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Medical Policy
Analytics Assistant
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Medical Device Manufacturers
Why Market4health?
Built tailored for Market Access Professional’s daily needs.
Data analysis & automation made easier.
Data analysis & automation made easier.
Explore the extensive catalog of medical policies for the US market
Easily navigate through the thousands of papers to get a small subset of results related to specific interventions/conditions using advanced filtering and an AI-powered engine.
Monitor the payer
regulations evolution over the time
Keep track of the changes in regulations
with the policy version history.
with the policy version history.
Easily share your policy landscape analysis
Streamline the complex search execution with your search history and favorites. Generate the reports in common formats for further analysis and review
Maximize your efficiency
Stay updated with the latest policies, restrictions and criteria changes to perform better strategy
Broad medical policy catalog
Inventory of over 60’000 medical documents that describe Coverage for 400+ mln members worldwide*
Quality in core and Live Support
We exploit numerous automated and manual practices to ensure that you are getting reliable, up-to-date outputs.
Advanced search tools
Take advantage of an AI-powered engine to simply narrow your search
* The appr. estimate based on publicly available data